Learning Italian? Follow these 5 Instagram accounts
Instagram has launched the careers of everyone from poets to models, and made famous quite a few people in between. It’s a useful, versatile app that’s full of great content; is it any wonder people use it to learn a language with as well? Take the Instagrammers who have turned their Instagram’s into teaching zones for anyone who wants to learn Italian. If you’re looking to learn or are already doing so, these are some people who might help.

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Silvia Perrone~Italian&stories
Silvia has 524 followers and 286 posts to date. She teaches Italian for beginners, one word or phrase at a time. If it’s tagged #italianssay it’s a quick point like for ah, ma darrero? explaining why the phrase could be a false friend. Those tagged #awordinitalian tend to have longer explanations or more information, like conjugating the verb annoiarsi.
In between there are some beautiful photos of all things Italian, as well as the occasional cat. Silvia answers comments regularly so this feels like a very laid back Instagram for learning. This is bite-sized Italian, and it’s fun!
Learn Italian with Lucrezia
If there is a popularity contest for learning Italian on Instagram then this might be won by the lovely Lucrezia. With more than 24,000 followers and 1029 posts, this is definitely an Instagram you want to explore. Having said that, this is definitely not Italian for beginners since it’s not about teaching basic grammar points or learning vocabulary; Lucrezia speaks purely in Italian on her Instagram.
Each of her photos, which are snapshots of her days around Rome, come with a short commentary, purely in Italian. It’s bite-sized practice again but you need to be fairly confident with your Italian to follow along. Take this coffee break for example; you’ll learn some colloquial Italian and be encouraged to visit her Youtube channel for more. There are also lessons to follow and a pronunciation guide which is really helpful. Happy learning!
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Learn Italian with Cartoons
This is one of the most fun Instagrams we found for learning Italian. Learn Italian with Cartoons is exactly how it sounds; snippets of cartoons to teach you Italian! This blogger utilises Italian voiceovers to teach you, first showing you the short clip in English and then repeating it with Italian — both with subtitles. See balliamo for an example.
There are only 35 posts so far and all are currently from The Simpsons, but with more than 13,000 followers since this blog teaches other languages with the same method, you are probably going to see a lot more to come!

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We learn Italian!
We learn Italian! is a popular Instagram that you’d do well to follow to help you as you learn. There are short Italian quotes for you to pick up some vocabulary from, and grammar posts giving you one example to work through at a time like non si usa il congiuntivo. And for visual learners there are short explanations along with images to stick the ideas in your thoughts, like parti della mano. You can also follow the grammar story for quick pointers, and the quiz if you want to test yourself. We Learn Italian! is one of the best Instagrams for Italian learning; we hope you have fun exploring it!
Learn Italian Lingua
Learn Italian Lingua is quite new with only 44 posts, but with 200 followers already they must be doing something right! There are handwritten posts like days of the week which also have audio so you can hear how things should be pronounced. There are tongue twisters to practice with, and some great cute posts like the five senses with hand-drawn images if you’re a visual learner. In the commentary there are English explanations for everything, and if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, the equivalent translations are also written in Arabic; think of this as a two for one! This Instagram has a really personal feel to it; definitely one to try if you want to practice.

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There are so many great Instagrams out there to choose from; these are just some of the best. And if you’re looking for even more Italian then follow the #learnitalian tag. There are more than 57,000 posts on the subject, so you are bound to find something that will help! Happy learning!