3 great Youtube Channels to help you learn Arabic
Learning Arabic through watching Youtube is probably one of the most fun, laid-back ways to pick up the language. You will find lyric videos to your favourite songs so you can sing your way into speaking Arabic, and watch clips of Arabic-speaking shows to help you learn what everyday Arabic really sounds like. Though if you want a little structure to your Arabic learning through Youtube, find yourself some Arabic Youtube channels designed specifically to help you study. Not sure where to start? Here are some of our favorites!

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One of the most popular Arabic Youtube channels, Learning Arabic with Maha is a great place to start your Youtube Arabic experience. First and foremost, Maha is an upbeat and enthusiastic teacher whose constant chirpy conversational tone makes you feel more like you’re learning with a friend. To give you an example of how she works, take this video on beautiful Arabic love expressions. You will note she teaches you the phrases, explains how and why they are used, then breaks the phrases down into their component parts so you can build them up again, all with really concise pronunciation practice to get you speaking Arabic right first time out.
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Maha offers grammar advice like this video on using plurals, bite-sized vocabulary lessons, untranslatable Arabic expressions, and plenty more besides. She even emphasizes the difference between the various dialects of Arabic you might come across while giving you an appreciation of the cultural differences between countries where Arabic is spoken. Truly, Learning Arabic with Maha is one of the most interesting and comprehensive Youtube channels to watch if you want to learn Arabic; 443,000 subscribers would vouch for that!

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Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101
When it comes to teaching languages, our Pod people are yet to let us down! Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101 is certainly no exception; through a range of teachers and a variety of videos, you can rely on this channel to help you through even the most overwhelming words in Arabic! So where should you start? Well, if what you’re looking for initially is some hints and tips on how to best study Arabic, there are plenty of videos for you. Try Arabic learning lessons you’ll pick up at the gym, and this self-study plan to give you a taste of what the advice is like.
If you’re looking to build your vocabulary, there are lots of videos dedicated to groups of words for you to learn and practice together, like this one on 30 intermediate words. If you’re wanting some complete phrases to learn, try this video on phrases to use when you’re angry. You can learn Arabic through learning about some of the holidays celebrated throughout the Arabic-speaking world, like this one on the Egyptian Day of Arafah. And there is even advice for how to better your Arabic reading, writing, and listening skills; watch this video on improving your reading to see what these videos are like. 318,000 people subscribe to Learn Arabic with ArabicPod101, so you know they’re doing something right; why not join them?

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Learn With Zakaria
Our final choice of Youtube channels to help you learn Arabic is Learn With Zakaria. This is a channel that is aimed at children which use brightly colored animation and cartoon characters and has a positive, simple feel to it. Though there are two things you need to be aware of before you tune in! One, there are a lot of videos on the channel to work through, and you will have to do a bit of searching since the videos cover not only Arabic but English and French as well. And two, pretty much every video you’ll watch is entirely in Arabic, so while its content is simple and child-friendly, you might struggle with the channel to begin with if you’re new to learning the language.
That being said, for bite-sized learning to fit into any schedule, you really can’t go wrong. There are vocabulary lessons like this one on farm animals, guides on how to write Arabic that focus on individual letters, like this one for Yaa, as well as reading advice, children’s songs in Arabic, and so many other short bursts of learning you’ll be spoilt for choice. 1.18 million people love Learn With Zakaria, so you know it has to be good!
Now that you have some Youtube channels to help you with your Arabic studies, are you looking for even more ways to practice? Would you benefit from learning with a native speaking tutor who can tailor a package of study to your schedule and needs? Look no further! Drop us a quick enquiry and see how our courses can help you.